Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Thought #4 still not sure

For those of you who live in America and watch the today show, did you see how they said goodbye to Merideth? Lots of grand gestures and songs, but the thing I homed in on were the things they said to her. They showered her with all of these compliments and memories and made her(and many others)cry. This made me think: where in the everyday person's life are they going to be told in front of a crowd how amazing or inspiring they are and how much they mean to someone? The only two instances I could think of were weddings and funerals. Your wedding though, it's mainly how fit you are for your spouse and there are little tears (for the most part). Your funeral though, seems like sort of an inappropriate time because're dead. Why can't people just tell others how amazing they are on a more subdued occasion? Maybe it's just little compliments here and there, but at least you hear them and not your dead corpse. People need to hear these things more often, don't you think? Wouldn't you feel better every day if someone told you that you inspire them? This would bring down suicide rates and could possiblg reduce depression as well. It really just doesn't make much sense to me, I think there shouldn't be any special occasion to tell anyone how awesome they are or how much you love them. Go forward my little warriors, tell someone how much they mean to you today, I dare you.

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